Alik Ismail-Zadeh is an organizer of the 34th IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics to be held in the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in Mumbai, India, 2-7 June 2024.
For registration, please visit the conference website.
Conference WebsiteTilmann Gneiting, Scientific Director of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) and Professor of Computational Statistics at KIT received the 2024 Ulf Grenander Prize for Stochastic Theory and Modeling of the American Mathematical Society.
Press-ReleaseThe Emmy Noether group leader and Heinz Maier-Leibnitz laureate 2023 J. Prof. Clarissa Schönecker held a talk at the MathSEE symposium titled "Modeling flow and slip over superhydrophobic and liquid-infused surfaces via a constant-shear boundary condition". We thank her for her contribution and look forward to the next visit.
Scientific ProfileAlik Ismail-Zadeh was re-elected as Chair of the Commission on Mathematical Geophysics of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) for 2023-2027
Mathematical Geophysics - IUGGOn October 5th the president of the German Central Bank, Joachim Nagel, is visiting KIT as this year’s Heinrich Hertz Guest Professor. The internal seminar at 15:00 in the Engelbert-Arnold-Hörsaal, Geb. 11.10 on “Economic Surveillance at Higher Frequencies” is open exclusively to KIT members and students. To attend, please register at the link below.
Registration LinkJan Schaßberger received the "best paper by young author" award at the international conference on process control for his contribution "From Stationary to Flexible Plant Operation: Extension of a Co-Current Rotary Dryer Model for Energy Demand Flexibility". He works on a MathSEE Bridge PhD project in the group of Dr. Lutz Gröll.
Link to PaperThe UM-Bridge Workshop 2023 is scheduled to take place online on December 11-12th 2023. The Workshop would allow speeding up UQ projects from prototype to HPC, making UQ and model software available to a wide audience as well as lead to reproducible, community-driven UQ benchmarking. All interested members should kindly register until December 01, 2023 to attend the workshop.
Registration and More InformationThe joint workshop of the Institute of economics, KIT center MathSEE and Graduate school KCDS will take place on the 5th and 6th October at Triangel Open Space. Kindly register in order to visit the workshop.
RegistrationAdit Radhakrishnan from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard will be presenting a talk on the topic of "Foundations of Machine Learning: Over-Parameterization and Feature Learning". We most cordially invite MathSEE members to explore the opportunity and join the talk.
Invitation_AbstractOn May 17th, 2023, DFG approved its third funding period. In the coming 4 years more than 100 researchers at KIT and Universities of Bonn, Stuttgart, Tübingen and Vienna will continue to investigate the fascinating mathematics of wave phenomena in cooperation with partners from physics, electrical engineering, geophysics, and biomedical engineering. We congratulate the coordinators most humbly and look forward to continued cooperation between CRC Wave Phenomena and KIT Center MathSEE.
Wave Phenomena WebsiteCo-convened by MathSEE Member Dr. Alik Ismail-Zadeh, the symposium will highlight the contribution made by mathematics and geophysical sciences toward the sustainable development on 12th July 2023. If you are interested in development of mathematical methods for geophysical sciences and networking with other scientists working on UN sustainable development goals, register for the symposium now!
Symposia-ScheduleProf. em. Dr. Hans R. Künsch, ETH Zurich, will be holding a seminar talk at the mathematics department on June 20th, 2023, at 15.45 hrs (Seminar Room: -1.025) during his visit to KIT and HITS gGmbH, Heidelberg. We most kindly invite MathSEE members to join.
Title and AbstractKIT Center MathSEE participated at the Open Day in Campus North on June 17th by presenting its research, offer for school classes and graduate students and interacting with the general public. What a successful event that was fun for public and for the organizers!
Impressions from KIT Open DayProf. Dr. Rafael Weron, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, will be holding a seminar talk at the mathematics department on July 25th, 2023, at 15.45 hrs (Seminar Room: 1.067) on the topic of "Electricity price forecasting in the 2020s" during his visit to KIT. We most kindly invite MathSEE members to join.
Abstract-InvitationProf. Dr. Lennaert van Veen from the department of Mathematics at the Ontario Tech University, Canada will be speaking on the topic of "On the nonlinear instability of the Burgers vortex". We invite all MathSEE members to attend the talk and especially encourage the doctoral students to make use of the opportunity.
Invitation_AbstractA 3-day course "An Introduction to Machine Learning" within the graduate school MathSEED will take place from April 12-14, 2023. Registration is open until March 20, 2023 to all MathSEE graduate students and postdocs.
More InformationASPIRE project increases reliability of weather forecasts, and reduces computing costs and energy consumption
Further InformationBenedikt Schulz received the Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award for the year 2022 at the General Assembly Meeting of the European Geophysical Union for his poster/PICO entitled:
Machine learning for postprocessing ensemble forecasts of wind gusts with a focus on European winter storms (Schulz, B.; Lerch, S.).
Poster/PICO FileFelix Reinke from the Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics was awarded the best poster prize for his contribution on "Applied geometry optimization of a novel 3D-printed wet-scrubber nozzle with Lattice Boltzmann Methods" at MathSEE member's assembly on October 20, 2022.
Further InformationConference on Image Processing with special focus on mathematical methods and procedures in several application disciplines will take place on the 24 – 25 November 2022. The conference will be jointly organised by the IIIT-KIT and IOSB-Fraunhofer. Abstract submision is open until 30 September 2022.
Further informationFabian Castelli, Member of the MathSEE Steering Board as representative of young researchers at MathSEE, won the best poster award at the Chemnitz Finite Elements Symposium. The annual event on mathematical analysis of the finite element method and its applications including engineering simulations, control theory and inverse problems was held this year in Herrsching am Ammersee close to Munich.
Further information
The joint workshop of KIT centers MathSEE and KCETA took place on the 7 July from 9 – 13 pm. Eight invited speakers from the two centers presented their interdisciplinary research work with an equal focus on mathematical methods and their applications. The workshop was very well received therefore the centers are planning a follow-up workshop of the two centers.
Further informationDr. Alik Ismail-Zadeh of the KIT Institute of Applied Geosciences has been named as a Fellow of the International Science Council (ISC) in recognition of his “remarkable contribution to the role of science in promoting the global public good” ( Among new Fellows are three Nobel Prize winners Takaaki Kajima, Yuan Tseh Lee, and Paul Nurse, and a Fields Medalist Cédric Villani.
Further informationThe 2nd International Conference on Large-Scale Experiments, Reflecting on Theories and Practices will be held from 8 to 10 December 2022. The conference aims to bring together researchers from the sciences as well as from history, philosophy, social studies of science, and neighboring disciplines to discuss the practices and theories associated with large-scale experiments in science
Conference WebsiteThe Mathematics research group position at INRIA center in Rennes is inviting applications. Candidates should have skills in mathematics and experience in applications to the field of earth and environmental sciences (simulation, modeling, statistics). The successful candidate will work in collaboration with the department of Geosciences
Job OpeningThe University of Leeds, School of Mathematics invites applications from outstanding individuals in the areas of Statistics, Applied Probability and Data Science/Analytics to join us in the Department of Statistics, University of Leeds, UK. Applicants of different genders and ethnicity are especially encouraged to apply.
Job OpeningMathSEE Member, Alik Ismail-Zadeh is co-organising the 33rd IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics in Seoul, South Korea. Deadline for registration is the 10 May 2022. The conference is part of the International Year of Basic Science for Sustainable Development of the United Nations. We highly encourage you to register and participate.
Conference WebsiteThe 5th Spring School on Lattice Boltzmann Methods is scheduled to take place from the 06 - 10 June 2022. Registration for the event is possible until the 10. May 2022. We encourage MathSEE doctoral candidates and young researchers interested in Lattice Boltzmann Methods to participate.
Spring School WebsiteA 3-day course "Predictive Data Analytics - An Introduction to Machine Learning" within the graduate school of the KIT center MathSEE took place from April 11-13, 2022. The course concluded with participation from 35 students, doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers.
Further InformationThe newly funded COCAP Project funded by the Helmholtz Association, started in Jan 2022. The project alongside of KIT has four other core team partners UFZ, HZDR, IFO Institute and Uni Leipzig. For KIT, M. Schienle is the PI.
Link_moreBarbara Verfürth has received Emmy Noether funding for her project entitled "Numerical Methods for Nonlinear, Random and Dynamical Multiscale Problems". Congratulations!
Link_moreOn 07 February 2022, KIT Center MathSEE presented itself at the event KIT in town hall. Mayor of Karlsruhe Dr. Käuflein and KIT VP Prof. Kraft welcomed the audience in the online event with 4 lectures, which could take place exclusively virtually due to Corona. More than 100 participants joined the live streamed event.
Event WebsitePatrick Erik Bradley and Martin Breunig were successful in obtaining DFG funding for dsa project "Distributed Simulation of Processes in Structures and City Models" for three years starting October 2021.
Job PostingThe Workshop will discuss state-of-the-art, applications and perspectives of data assimilation and inverse problems in geophysical sciences from 18 – 29. October 2021.
To register please visit:
More Information
The lecture series Data Literacy begins on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 4 p.m. KIT internal and external experts deal with the most important aspects of data analysis and use. Guest students are very welcome!
More Information
In December 2021, the German Research Foundation approved funding for the DFG research group Intermediary Asset Pricing. The project is a joint effort of colleagues from Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Tübingen, Stuttgart and Münster and involves close collaboration with WU Vienna.
Weitere InformationenIn a great move, scientists and students from SFB wave phenomena offer mathematics classes to pupils at Kant Gynmasium to make-up for deficits in learning through online classes in the last 1.5 school years under corona conditions.
More InformationMathSEE Steering Committee member and spokesperson of Methodology Area 4 of the KIT Center MathSEE, Prof. Dr. Peter Knippertz, was successful in obtaining funding for their Stage 2 proposal in the KIT Future Fields funding line.
MathSEE Steering Committee member and spokesperson of Methodology Area 1 of the KIT Center MathSEE, Prof. Dr. Roman Sauer, and new MathSEE member PD Dr. Andreas Ott were successful in obtaining funding for their stage 2 application "Topological Genomics "in the KIT Centers funding line.
We want to invite you to our next topical meeting "Anything related to COVID-19" on February 25, 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Please feel free to bring in your recent, current or projected research or activity on, e.g., aerosol simulations, differential equation models for diseases, teaching concepts for mathematical models in biology, communication with the public - you name it as long as it is related to our area of methods mathematical modeling, differential equations, numerics & simulation.
More InformationChristian Koos was honored as one of the ten finalists in the "Engineering and Technology" category of the Falling Walls Conference at Berlin Science Week, November 04-08, 2020, with the topic "Breaking the Wall Towards Ultra-Broadband Signal Processing". There were nearly 1000 nominations from 111 countries in 7 categories. We sincerely congratulate Mr. Koos for this great achievement.
More InformationDr. Sebastian Lerch was recently recognized with a junior research group on "Artificial Intelligence for Probabilistic Weather Forecasting" as part of the "MINT for the Environment" program of the Vector Foundation, from 2021-2025. Only two years after completing his doctorate at our Faculty of Mathematics, he has also been accepted on the editorial board of a leading meteorological journal.
More InformationThe KIT centres KCIST, MathSEE, and Materials are jointly organising a workshop on "Data Science for Material Sciences" on 22.01.2020 from 09:00 hrs. We would like to cordially invite you to this event, which is currently planned in a hybrid format.
More InformationA very well received MathSEE Symposium came to an end on October 09, 2020. 8 plenary lectures by distinguished scientists engaged in interdisciplinary mathematical research presented their latest research, in an event distributed over 3 days. The resonance from the audience was amazing. We are very glad that you could participate and would like to thank you again for your contributions. Talks as well as panel discussion were recorded and are available on Vimeo at for viewing up to Nov. 15, 2020.
More InformationWe invite you to the joint workshop of KIT Centers MathSEE and ZKU on the 29. March 2021 on the applications of multiple mathematical methods in the field of earth and environment. The workshop aims to bring researchers from the two KIT-Centers together and consolidate long lasting research ties.
More InformationMathSEE, an interdisciplinary research center at the excellence university KIT, in Karlsruhe, is organising its first symposium on topics combining mathematical methods with real life applications from October 07 to October 09 2020. The panel Discussion on "Challenges in interdisciplinary Research and Career" is open for all and can be accessed here.
More Information16.08.-21.08.2020
During the MathSEE Modeling Week, students develop solutions to current interdisciplinary mathematical research questions posed by members of MathSEE.
More informationTogether with partner projects from physics the CRC 1173 organizes this year's interdisciplinary summer school "Computational Photonics". In this one week summer school world leading experts from both mathematics and theoretical physics give a concise introduction to important concepts and recent developments in the field.
More InformationBoth Collaborative Research Centers are continued for 2nd funding phase.
THe GAMM Student Chapter is organising its kick-off Meeting on 05. FEb. 2020 in KIT Campus South, Building 20.30, Room 1.067. As a PhD or Masters student of Mathematics, Material Sciences or one of the disciplines represented in GAMM, we cordially invite you to attend the meeting and join the network! The meeting will be followed by a get-together.
Link_moreWe cordially invite you to the general assembly meeting of KIT Center MathSEE on February 7th, 2020 at 9:45 am in building 20.30 in room 1.067. The meeting will detail activities of the center in the year 2019 and the promising research perspectives the center focusses on, for the year 2020. We look forward to welcoming you and exchanging ideas with you during the meeting.
KIT Center MathSEE is welcoming proposals from tandems of researchers from mathematical and applications subjects on innovative, interdisciplinary research projects that demonstrate promising applications of mathematical methods in the SEE disciplines, and advancing thereby both the disciplines. Deadline is 28.02.2023.
Apply Now!16.-17. September 2019
The workshop on Data-driven Modeling and Optimization in Fluid Mechanics focuses on the application of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, evolutional algorithms and adjoint-based optimization to fluid dynamics-related problems with special focus on turbulent flows and flow control.
The venue is changed: Rudolf-Plank HS, Geb. 40.32 (Engler-Bunte-Ring 21, 76131 Karlsruhe)
More informationThe Helmholtz Association is funding a 4-million-euro-project, in which mathematicians and users improve the handling of uncertainties in data volumes and thus strengthen data literacy.
LinkScientists from meteorology and mathematics at KIT have jointly developed a new method that uses artificial intelligence to correct errors in weather forecasting, taking nonlinear relationships into account.
LinkContinuation of „Integrated engineering of continuous-discontinuous long fiber reinforced polymer structures" granted by DFG
LinkNew cooperation on modeling clouds using geometric methods.
LinkApplications are welcome until June 30th.
Work begins on an innovative crop yield model for Africa.
LinkSeven projects were selected to be funded in the first round.
LinkStudents can now register for the modeling week in August.
Link_moreThe latest offers for interdisciplinary theses now all available in one place.
LinkMathSEE hit the 100-members mark! We welcome the recent additions.
The annual event for high school students will take place on March 16th, 2019.
LinkInterdisciplinary research projects in an early phase can be supported.
Link_moreDFG grants funds for the RTG 2450 "Tailored Scale-Bridging Approaches to Computational Nanoscience".
Link_moreKIT members celebrate the establishment of MathSEE.
Link_more2018-10-23 16:00:00
KIT-Zentrum MathSEE: Gründungsmitgliederversammlung / KIT Center MathSEE: Members Meeting
2018-10-23 18:00:00
KIT-Zentrum MathSEE Gründungsempfang / KIT Center MathSEE Reception
2018-11-12 15:00:00
KIT-Zentrum MathSEE: Auftakttreffen Methodenbereich "Mathematische Strukturen" / KIT Center MathSEE: Initial meeting area of methods "Mathematical structures"
2018-12-10 15:00:00
Mathematical models of adhesion assembly and disassembly in cell motility