Title | PI (Math) | Partner |
Block-Oriented Modeling of Distributed Parameter Systems | PD Dr. Gudrun Thäter |
Dr. Lutz Groell |
Mathematical modeling and simulation of terahertz waves, photons and sub-ps transients towards terahertz tomography at accelerators and for medical applications | Prof. Dr. Frank, Martin |
Dr. Funkner, Stefan; Dr. Bründermann, Erik; Prof. Dr. Müller, Anke-Susanne |
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Matheuristics | Dr. John Alasdair Warwicker |
Dr.-Ing. Marion Baumann |
2022 - Call for Proposals: "MathSEE Bridge PhD Funding - Promotion of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Research"
Objective and brief description
Promoting interdisciplinary mathematical research lies at the core of the current funding initiative at the KIT-Center MathSEE. The initiative aims to strengthen collaboration between mathematicians and applied scientists and while doing this, it wants to accomplish an increased visibility for the KIT-Center MathSEE as a strategic and interdisciplinary platform within and outside of KIT.
The current call for Bridge PhDs aims to ensure that a problem-solving idea, that goes beyond the boundaries of any one discipline, is funded and that the possibility for it to develop into a larger externally funded initiative is enabled. Passion for science, for mathematical research, for solving problems and a clear value-addition to the society will be financially supported. Both scientific excellence and innovation potential will be considered in funding evaluations. It is expected that the Bridge PhDs will become members of the KIT Graduate School on Computational & Data Science (KCDS).
The KIT-Center MathSEE supports research ideas of women scientists and young researchers and therefore encourages them explicitly to apply. The funding scheme shall enable these groups into acquiring outstanding inidividual grants.
- Applications are required to come from tandems of researchers such that one of them engages in research in mathematical methods and the other one in application areas.
- The project work culminates in doctoral theses that are supervised by the interdisciplinary research tandems.
- The funds come from the KIT Centers Matching Funds program. Therefore projects require an own contribution of 50%.
Selection Criteria
Applications for research projects in the current MathSEE Bridge PhDs call “Promotion of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Research” will be evaluated according to the following selection criteria, which are oriented towards the Excellence Cluster funding criteria:
- Potential of the proposed activity to serve as a nucleus for sustainable, long-term coordinated research projects at the KIT MathSEE center
- Potential of the planned activity to contribute towards the development of the KIT Center as a strategic partner within and outside of KIT
- Coherence and feasibility of the research program
- Scientific profile of the participating scientists
- Adequacy of the requested funds; resource and time planning
- International competitiveness
- Diversity of the group composition
- Promotion of equal opportunities
For a period of 36 months, non-repayable grants up to maximum eligible costs of EUR 27,000 per project per year for personnel and material expenses can be awarded under the current MathSEE funding announcement. A matching co-financing of the eligible costs of EUR 27,000 shall be provided by the applicant’s institute. There are many possibilities to realize the con-funding. Please contact the MathSEE office at mathsee ∂does-not-exist.kit edu for help in this matter.
The funding is guaranteed for the period of 01.10.2022 – 30.09.2025. A flexible start between 01.10.2021-01.12.2021 can be accommodated.
Funding for a total of three (3) such grants is available. Depending on the number of successful applications in the current call and the amount of funds available thereafter, a second call for proposals may be published in Fall 2022 or Spring 2023.
Applicants may apply for funding by submitting a written proposal signed by both the mathematical and application scientist to the MathSEE office at mathsee ∂does-not-exist.kit edu by 30.06.2022 using the given application template. Funding for applications is granted by decision of the MathSEE Steering Committee according to the above-mentioned selection criteria. Successful candidates will be informed until the 31.07.2022.
Completion of the start-up grant and report
60 days after completion of the funding activity, a written report should be submitted to the MathSEE Steering Committee. A template will be made available to successful projects.
Use of the budget
The start-up funding must be spent within each calendar year and is non-repayable.
Contact persons
For further questions please contact the MathSEE office at mathsee ∂does-not-exist.kit edu