Multiscale Effects in Mechanics Under Uncertainty Considerations

Online Workshop in MS Teams

KIT Center MathSEE is organising a workshop on multiscale effects in mechanics under considerations of uncertainty. Scientists from around KIT und Fraunhofer IWM will present their newest results on modeling and simulation of mechanical systems and come in dialog about areas and means of cooperation.

The workshop is planned for April 08, 2022 from 09 - 13 in an online format. We invite all scientists who see an overlap of their field of research with the topics at the workshop to kindly participate and join us.

The program is subject to revision and additions. In case you would like to have a slot at the workshop and present some ideas and results, we would like to request you to get in touch at mathsee does-not-exist.kit edu



Welcome and Introductions

Stochastic homogenization and uncertainty quantification for lifetime prediction of metal foams
Prof. Dr. Carsten Proppe
Head of Institute, Institute of Technical Mechanics

Model Hierarchies and Probability Boxes in Structural Reliability Analysis
M.Sc. Jonas Kaupp
Institute of Technical Mechanics

Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales
M.Sc. Lukas Oestringer
Institute of Technical Mechanics

Stochastic kinetic schemes for uncertainty propagation in multi-scale particle transport
Dr. Tianbai Xiao
Steinbuch Centre of Computing; Institute of Applied and Numerical Mathematics

Probabilistic methods in material mechanics of microheterogeneous media
Carla Beckmann, Jörg Hohe
Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials

Multiscale probabilistic simulation chain for continuous modelling of fiber-reinforced injection-molded components
Luise Kärger, Carla Beckmann, Jörg Hohe
KIT-FAST, Fraunhofer IWM


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