MathSEE Symposia
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8th Spring School on Lattice Boltzmann Methods with OpenLB and ProLB Software Lab in Marseille (France)
Monday, 19 May 2025
The spring school introduces scientists and applicants from industry to the theory of LBM and trains them on practical problems. The first half of the week is dedicated to the theoretical fundamentals of LBM up to ongoing research on selected topics. Followed by mentored training on case studies using OpenLB or ProLB in the second half, where the participants gain deep insights into LBM and its applications. This educational concept is probably unique in the LBM community and offers a comprehensive and personal guided approach to LBM. Participants also benefit from the knowledge exchange during poster session, coffee breaks and the excursion. We look forward to your participation.
KIT Zentrum MathSEE
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Englerstraße 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Mail: MathSEE ∂ kit edu
KIT Zentrum MathSEE
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Englerstraße 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Mail: MathSEE ∂ kit edu