Wissenswoche Mathematics

October 8 - 12, A week full of knowledge, culture, creativity
Shaping future together

KIT Center MathSEE is organizing a Knowledge Week on mathematics together with Triangel Open Space in October to bring this fascinating discipline closer to people and to strengthen its acceptance in society. From October 8 to 13, we are planning a varied program with practical workshops, panel discussions on the future significance of mathematics, inspiring keynote speeches and cultural events, including live music and a film about mathematics.

We would love to share thoughts on mathematics, prediction, simulation, visualization and/or the role of data, also in connection with the topics of aviation, climate and economy.

Date: The opening evening will take place on Tuesday, October 8 at 18:00.
Location: TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum, Kaiserstraße 93, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany

Workshops for schoolchildren, scientific knowledge for everyone - the week is sure to inspire you.

We highly encourage your participation and look forward to welcoming you at the Triangel Open Space!