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More Information"Mathematics in Sciences, Engineering, and Economics"
The KIT Center "MathSEE" (Mathematics in Sciences, Engineering, and Economics) pools the interdisciplinary mathematical research at KIT since October 2018. The Collaborative Research Center 1173 "Wave Phenomena: Analysis and Numerics" and other existing cooperations form the basis for the establishment of MathSEE. Our members from the career level doctoral researcher onwards work together in exchange formats and interdisciplinary research projects structured in Method Areas. MathSEED through its umbrella graduate school offers a comprehensive program for early career researchers and master students to foster interdisciplinary training. Our graduate school KCDS provides structured program for doctoral students in computational and data science. MathSEE offers to strengthen interdisciplinary mathematical research at KIT and its visibility.

Lattice Boltzmann Research Group at KIT in cooperation with Modeling and Simulations Lab at AGH Poland have received funding for the project "Direct contact condensation intensification by droplet formation during the disintegration of a liquid jet in a gaseous medium" from the DFG for a duration of 3 years. The funding will start in November 2025.
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Interdisciplinary collaboration, involving mathematicians, meteorologists & hydrologists at MathSEE alongside German Weather Service & State Offices for Nature and Environment, was successful in acquiring funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for a duration of 3 years starting December 2024.
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From October 6-11, 2024, the Lattice Boltzmann Research Group (LBRG) working on furthering applications of mathematical methods, successfully organized the first OpenLB Hackathon in Feldberg, Germany. For one week, 14 group members focused on core development to further improve OpenLB in terms of boundary condition modeling, GPU support and user friendliness.
Together with Charlotte Debus (SCC), Markus Götz (SCC) and Patrick Ludwig (IMKTRO), Sebastian Lerch (STAT) and Julian Quinting (IMKTRO) receive funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) for their SmartWeather21 project: "Smart weather predictions for the 21st century through probabilistic AI-models initialized with strom-resolving climate projections." The project is funded as a part of the WarmWorld initiative and has the overarching aim to enabling the exploration of future weather in a warming climate by coupling AI-based weather models to high-resolution climate model simulations.

Fabian Mockert was awarded the Climate Prize of the Reinhard-Süring Foundation during the 13th German Climate Conference at the Telegrafenberg in Potsdam. The prize honors his research on Dunkelflauten in Germany and their relation with large-scale weather patterns. The meteorological Reinhard-Süring Foundation awards the €1500 prize as part of the triennial German Climate Conference to outstanding young scientists.
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Dr. Sebastian Lerch (STAT) was appointed as a Fellow by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The ECMWF Fellowship program fosters links between ECMWF and individual scientists carrying out pioneering work in areas relevant to the strategic goals of ECMWF.
ECMWF News Release
EU Project FALCON: "Foreseeing the next generation of Aircraft: hybrid approach using Lattice-boltzmann, experiments and modelling to optimize fluid/struCture interactiONs", combines experimental and numerical approaches in fluid and solid mechanics in order to enhance the design capabilities of the European industrial aircraft sector by focusing on fluid–structure interaction (FSI). The project started in Jan. 2024 for a duration of 4 years.
Project Information
Dr. Jimmy Alberto Aramendiz Fuentes and Prof. Alexander Fidlin have successfully obtained a patent from the German Patent and Trade Mark Office for a selectively acting vibration damping concept. One of the tasks of such a system is to reduce vibration amplitudes with high effectiveness and minimal energy losses.
For details we refer you to Prof. Fidlin.
Descriptive Publication
Sebastian Lerch (STAT) and Peter Knippertz (IMKTRO) receive a 4-year grant (01.2024 - 12.2027) from the German Weather Service for their SPARC-ML project as part of the extra mural research program. The overall goal of the project is the development of generative machine learning methods for the post-processing of ensemble weather forecasts.
German Weather Services
The 51st international Computing in Cardiology conference will be organized after 25 years in Karlsruhe by several MathSEE members, with some satellite events, workshops and challenges in Freiburg and Stuttgart, both in-person and in virtual formats.
Conference Website
Andrew Patton (Duke University) presented new methods for forecasting the volatility of financial returns in the keynote lecture of the workshop on December 5, 2023, from 2-7 p.m., at Blücherstraße 17, Karlsruhe. Nine short presentations by researchers from the HKMetrics network addressed further methodological and substantive issues related to forecasting in economics.
A 3 day workshop on “Computational Geosciences for Sustainable Development” will be organized from May 30 - June 1, 2024, in IIT Bombay to impart scientific knowledge and technical know-how to the graduate and undergraduate students of national and international universities on the applications of novel mathematical techniques in several areas of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Workshop Topics